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schemi elettrici defender

buongiorno, mi serve lo schema elettrico di un defender  telaio salldvb88ya191172 targa za606ff. vettura finita in acqua non parte più. […]

golf VII 1.2 tsi 77kw

buon giorno, in officina abbiamo una golf del 2013 1.2 tsi con tipo motore cjza. abbiamo cambiato la pompa del […]

Procedura tagliando

Buongiorno,vogliamo chiedervi la procedura corretta con anche le necessarie documentazioni da consegnare al cliente dopo avere effettuato il tagliando con […]

Adattamento farfalla Golf3

Buongiorno,sapete dirmi la procedura per l’adattamento della farfalla aspirazioneper questa Golf 3? motore AEE 1600 66KW  Targa AH420YT Grazie mille

polo 2011 1.2 kw 51 cgp

buongiorno ho una polo in officina con i guasti p0068 e p0341.ho controllato il corpo farfallato sensore pressione e segnale […]

Fiat 500 Targa: EG471LG

Mi occorre sapere l’esatta posizione della centralina Blu & Me di queat Fiat 500. Grazie Saluti Roberto

Chiusura ponte dell’Immacolata


Gentile cliente,   ti ricordiamo che i servizi di supporto che rispondono al numero verde n° 800.91.61.11 e la chat […]

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2018 JEEP Renegade 1.4 T-Jet LPG - NO KEYS RECEIVEDmade a start-up and now no longer works

FIAT DUCATO IV (290) FL CABINATO MY14 2015 - Error p0480 cooling fan 1 open circuitGood morning I enclose a Fiat guided diagnosis for error P0480-13 - COOLING FAN 1 - CIRCUIT OPEN As reported, recheck the continuity of the wiring harness: have you replaced the relay? Thank you
Administrator MM F. Sapei

FIAT Ducato 2.3 MultiJet 16V 130 of 2016 - Error P068A-68 battery disconnectionGood morning, but does the engine always start running badly when it warms up? Could it be a compression problem? Have you done any tests when the engine is hot?
Administrator MM A. Orbech

FIAT Ducato 2.3 MultiJet 16V 130 of 2016 - Error P068A-68 battery disconnectionYou could well monitor all the parameters at the moment when it faults, maybe you have a sensor that short-circuits at some point.

PEUGEOT 2008 1.2 PureTech from 2020 - P064AGood morning I enclose an injection circuit diagram: there is no dedicated fuel pump control unit, but it is managed by the engine control unit. greetings
Administrator MM F. Sapei

FIAT Ducato 2.3 MultiJet 16V 130 of 2016 - Error P068A-68 battery disconnectionHello, I enclose Fiat info for error P068A-68 - BATTERY DISCONNECTION - EVENT INFORMATION This error cannot cause this type of fault. Do you have any other errors before? Thank you
Administrator MM F. Sapei

LAND ROVER RANGE ROVER EVOQUE II (L551) 2021 - INSTRUMENT CLUSTER MESSAGEFor the low battery message, check the sensor plug on the negative pole that it has snapped correctly. In my personal experience I only fit Varta on these cars because I have had problems with other brands.

LAND ROVER RANGE ROVER EVOQUE II (L551) 2021 - INSTRUMENT CLUSTER MESSAGEGood evening, it has a small battery that handles the emergency call which is located behind the right-hand panelling in the boot, but check carefully because it could also be somewhere else depending on the model or year of construction.

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