
Audi A3 position sensor steering angle


Hello, I have an A£ with this licence plate CX270XA Chassis WAUZZZ8P86A064192 Can you tell me the position of the steering angle sensor = [...].



Hi! I have a Patriot year 2008 BYL engine with DTC p0234 turbocharger pressure. do you have any information on this?

MITO P0171


Good morning,I have a Mito LPG engine 198A4000 with 88Kw,it gives me DTC P0171,do you have any indication ? Thanks greetings Turi  

Suzuki SX4 steering lock


Good morning, the ignition switch of this car allows starting enahce without inserting the key, but the customer complains that at the end of the [...].

Audi A4 lights up oil prtection light


A4 licence plate ER566WA DTC P156D00 km 165.000 the engine oil pressure light comes on sporadically, the oil pump has been replaced [...]

leasing Polo air conditioning components


Good morning, is it possible to have the component location of the manual air conditioning for a Polo number plate CL240AF. filter dryer, expansion valve. [...]

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