
Bmw 520 does not start


good morning! I have a Bmw 520D number plate EZ907BV that won't start anymore,the car was without a battery,the customer insisted until [...].



Good morning,I have a Kia Sportage with the DTC P2015 Swirl position sensor. The motor that operates the Swirls also includes the sensor [...]

Impianto alimentazione Freelander


Buongiorno,avete informazioninsulmtipomdi impianto dinalimentazione Diesel di questa freelander? ha una pompa a bassa pressione nel serbatoio,è una pompa di travaso […]

A-class W169 glow plug reattachment


Good morning, can you provide me with a diagram of the detachment and reattachment of the glow plugs of the A class W169 number plate EH161WA detachment and reattachment and tepar. [...]

Usb 500 malfunction


Good morning, I have a 500 312 which has a problem with the bluethoot/Usb, connecting the mobile phone shows the battery charge for a moment and then [...]



Good morning! I need to replace an Abs module with a used one on a Panda !69,is it enough to do a can alignment or are there any [...]



Good morning! I need to replace an Abs module with a used one on a Panda !69,is it enough to do a can alignment or are there any [...]

Security Pass never worked.


enclosed is a photo of the security pass,I have never turned off any lights with this device,I am really disappointed. who can tell me [...].

Cherokee oil pressure sensor position


Good evening,can you tell me where the oil pressure sensor is located on the Cherokee ? TarGa CF078YT ENGINE COD 665921 120KW [...].

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