2015 class A - instrument cluster message 'battery backup fault'.
buongiorno,ho una mercedes classe A del 2015 targata EX296EY che dopo la messa in moto mi appare sul quadro strumenti […]
buongiorno,ho una mercedes classe A del 2015 targata EX296EY che dopo la messa in moto mi appare sul quadro strumenti […]
13 November 2020
good morning, i have replaced the brake pads and front brake wear sensors on a porsche macan, the warning light still stays on, how do i [...]
6 November 2020
good morning, I have a problem with a 2000 audi A3 1600 petrol with error P0411 secondary air injection detected flow [...].
7 October 2020
good morning i have a problem with a citroen c3 picasso with error P00BC the car does not rev up, smokes, the number plate [...]
25 June 2020
good morning i have a problem on a 2005 alfa 147 1600 petrol with error "c1360 defect not relevant",how can i proceed? [...]
15 June 2020
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