1297 Argomenti


Good morning,I am looking for where the diesel filter is housed on a volvo V40 cross country year 2016 engine type D4204T8 cc1969 [...]


Good evening, I have seen that TEXA diagnostics can use the pass-thru system for coding, updates and official technical data. Has anyone [...]

Point light indicator

Good morning, I have a problem on a Fiat Punto 199, year 2010, cc1248 66kw, engine 199A3000, the warning light for burnt out lamps always stays on.

Audi A6 heating problem

Good morning everyone. I have a problem with the heating of a 2006 Audi A6 v6 ASB ENGINE TYPE occasionally, with heating [...]

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Marelli Aftermarket ltaly S.p.A.
Viale Aldo Borletti, 61/63 - 20011 Corbetta (MI), Italy

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