1307 Argomenti

renault kadjar

good morning, i have a kadjar 1.5 8v 110cv that gives me error p 0101 22 the signal amplitude exceeds [...].

lance y

good morning, I have a petrol-only ypsilon that sporadically no longer takes the gas, it stays with the engine running [...]


Good morning, could you please provide us if available, manufacturer portal registration procedure to use Divo testers as PASS-THRU. We are unable to encode [...].

peugeot 208 hdi

Hello everyone, I got this Arval car with 68000 km and the engine light on apparently the engine seems to be [...].

Engine failure

Good evening, the vehicle has the following error code p0096 air temperature sensor signal (internal boost sensor) FIAT - QUBO (225) [...] [...

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Marelli Aftermarket ltaly S.p.A.
Viale Aldo Borletti, 61/63 - 20011 Corbetta (MI), Italy

Share Capital EURO 7,000,000 fully paid up - Company Register Milan
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