1307 Argomenti

Robotized gearbox wiring

Good evening,I bought the Marelli robotized gearbox 230000001010 by searching it by number plate and chassis but it has a different main wiring connector. [...]

Bmw 520 does not start

good morning! I have a Bmw 520D number plate EZ907BV that won't start anymore,the car was without a battery,the customer insisted until [...].

Kuga error code

Hello we have an error code on a Ford Kuga with registration plate Fv183ZS P24c6 Can you let me know? Thank you

Panda steering wheel controls

Good morning, I would need the electrical installation of the steering wheel controls for a panda. Chassis ZFA31200003E11829 License plate GA455RP Thank you and good work!


Good morning,I have a Kia Sportage with the DTC P2015 Swirl position sensor. The motor that operates the Swirls also includes the sensor [...]

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Marelli Aftermarket ltaly S.p.A.
Viale Aldo Borletti, 61/63 - 20011 Corbetta (MI), Italy

Share Capital EURO 7,000,000 fully paid up - Company Register Milan
Tax code and VAT number 08396100011 - Milan REA no. 1681727