1291 Argomenti

Security Pass never worked.

enclosed is a photo of the security pass,I have never turned off any lights with this device,I am really disappointed. who can tell me [...].

Fiat panda DTC 0651-49

Good morning, I have a Panda 1.3 mtj chassis ZFA312000032223065 that has had its engine replaced due to an accident in [...].

golf 7 dgt engine temperature

good evening this golf number plate fx962dz on normal road the temperature stays at90 degrees but on the highway it rises to 120 degrees. [...]

Wiring diagram starter system

Good evening we have a motorised motorhome Mercedes licence plate CL778NT that does not start. We have changed the antenna tails but the problem [...]

OPEL ASTRA cooling fan problem

Good morning, I'm Gabriele from Roggero garage in Verona, I have a problem with an opel astra sport tourer 1.7 81kw of 2013. [...]

Fiat 500L FA454ZE

Gearbox problem Licence plate FA454ZE Chassis/VIN Make FIAT Model 500L [13>] (334) Living Engine 1.3 MJ 16v 85 Vehicle identification* 199 [...]

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Viale Aldo Borletti, 61/63 - 20011 Corbetta (MI), Italy

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