CITROËN C4 Picasso 1600 petrol does not render mil On warning light
good morning
Today we present the solved case of a CITROËN C4 Picasso 1600 petrol car.
The engine does not yield and the Mil engine fault light comes on.
In the engine management ecu we read :
this error code initially led us to think of a problem with the turbo compressor but later
After some verifications, we identified the translation of the error code in the DUMP VALVE, which in practice is referred to as the Pop Off valve for relieving overpressure.
This valve has the task of limiting the pressure in order to preserve the turbo impeller during release phases and abrupt engine acceleration.
The valve is supplied with 1 connector with wires, one for the On / Off control of the valve and the other a 12 volt.
We found this dump valve connection was loose. The connector was hooked up correctly as per the manual. Problem solved.
Happy reading and warm greetings from Antonio and Team Marelli
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