305 Argomenti

Grandepunto DTC C0F00 4af00

Good morning! I have this Grandepunto that sometimes turns on the Abs/Esp light with. In diagnosis it only shows me in Can [...].

Error p0303. Fiat 16

Hi we have a fiat 16. Petrol 1.6 It keeps getting this error code "missing accessories cylinder 3" We have already tried combining [...]


Good morning, a point arrived year 2014 cod mot 169a4000 chassis ZFA1990000P053849 in diagnosis we detected p0069 related to the sensor [...]

Ducato 230 - 2.8

good morning, I would need a cutaway of the distribution of a ducato van (camper van) to see if the [...]

Idea robotised gearbox

Good morning, I have a FIAT Idea with robotized gearbox in my workshop. Basically, the pressurisation pump won't start and [...]

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Marelli Aftermarket ltaly S.p.A.
Viale Aldo Borletti, 61/63 - 20011 Corbetta (MI), Italy

Share Capital EURO 7,000,000 fully paid up - Company Register Milan
Tax code and VAT number 08396100011 - Milan REA no. 1681727